I have a beautiful view from my workshop, across the field in front of our house, down to the sea. Living by the water means that the view is never the same, never static, always changing. There's always something to watch, and if I happen to be working on a set of ten chair seats (yawn!) I find myself looking out of the window more often than I should.
This morning I have had several distractions keeping me glued to the window! First we had some wary visitors. Two roe deer tiptoed across the field, no longer camouflaged against the dun coloured winter pasture now that we have had some warm days and the grass is getting greener by the minute!
This morning I have had several distractions keeping me glued to the window! First we had some wary visitors. Two roe deer tiptoed across the field, no longer camouflaged against the dun coloured winter pasture now that we have had some warm days and the grass is getting greener by the minute!
We have hawks nesting near the farm this year. They are utterly fascinating to watch, and one of them spent ten minutes hovering over a very interesting spot on the field this morning. Such patience deserves its reward; I hope it caught the mouse it was watching! As our daughter is determined to have chickens, having hawks so close my result in dramas this summer, but I have to admit to being on the side of the hawks.... (I'm not overly fond of chickens. The result of an angry cockerel flying up and pecking my face when I was tiny!)
I wasn't particularly pleased to see this naval vessel churning past us! I couldn't understand why they were in the archipelago rather than out at sea, but then I saw that it wasn't a Norwegian ship and there were several sailors taking photos, so it was a sightseeing trip!